On sharing too much and not acting enough.
It's not opinions that shape the world, it's actions.
A long time ago, I had a revelation while listening to a national radio station. The host, called Maurice, was kind of a controversial animator. He was a little too angry for my taste, but I liked the fact that he was direct and very frank.
Once, a guy called to present his opinion about the difficult daily lives of homeless people. He talked about how during the winter their lives are going to be tougher than during the previous seasons.
Suddenly the animator stopped him to ask a question:
"Ok, but what do you do to help solve this situation?"
The caller answered:
"I am not here to talk about me, but to raise the consciousness about these poor..."
Maurice interrupted him and asked again:
"What do you do to help the situation change?".
And again the caller explained he is not directly involved, but he thinks it's important to provide a voice to talk about the inequalities.
The animator stopped him again and shouted "so shut the fuck up" and hang up. He was pissed and explained how he has a profound dislike for people talking a lot about deep topics, but who weren't courageous enough or concerned enough to do something.
I have written this article during the presidential elections in France. And it's so boring to listen to people who act as the situation is dramatic from their point of view but won't act and do something useful. They spend hours talking to (more than with) friends about what they don't like and about what they want. It looks like experiencing the adrenaline of talking with passion is more important than acting concretely on the situation in a scalable way.
So, as Paulo Coelho said:
The world is changed by your examples, not by your opinions.