Here are some of my last keynotes adressing decentralized technologies, IT, Smart city and AI
- DevTalks, june 2021: Working for a deep tech startup: Understanding their challenges and specificities
- AI DevWorld 2020, october 2020: Blockchain Solutions Addressing AI and Edge Computing
- Wyoming blockchain stampede 2020, september 2020: From the Cloud to the Edge: Blockchain, the essential layer for building hybrid IT infrastructures and creating new business models
- Ethereum in the Enterprise 2020, july 2020: Interoperability and Privacy Tools for DeFi
- DevelopperWeek, february 2020, San Franscisco: The convergence of Blockchain and Trusted Compute in the development of AI
- HPE days, january 2020, Grenoble: iExec, trusted computing complementing offchain computing
- China Computing Federation 2019, october 2019, Chengdu: Blockchain and global convergence of technologies
- PhiWeek 2019, septembre 2019, Milan: Blockchain as an interoperability
layer for Smart cities
- LPS19, may 2019, Milan: Blockchain and AI convergence for Earth Observation
- EU Blockchain Observatory, march 2019, Bruxels: AI & Blockchain convergence. The video is here
- ABGI, march 2019, Paris: Decentralized market for industries,
- Entreprise Ethereum Alliance, march 2019, Lisbon: Trusted Compute Spec
- MWC2019, february 2019, Barcelona: 5G and Blockchain for Smart city
- BNP ParisBas, february 2019, Paris: Startup Coffee Blockchain
- Blendwebmix, October 2018, Lyon: Decentralization & new busness models. The video is here
- Blockchain Day Paris, October 2018, Paris
- AGEFI, June 2018, Paris: ICOs as financial vehicle to sustain innovation
- LCL, June 2018, Paris: ICOs to finance innovation
- Blockchain Regulation: Opportunities & Risks, June 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan: Decentralizing centralized systems
- Blockshow Europe, May 2018, Berlin: AI and Blockchain
- Red Herring (startup event), April 2018, Amsterdam: Decentralization and cloud computing
- French minister of economy (minister), March 2018, Paris: ICOs, and blockchain entrepreneurship
- IoT work (IoT event), March 2018, Paris: Blockchain for IoT
- Disrupt night, March 2018, Paris: Pitch startup
- Techfest startup, February 2018, San Paolo: Blockchain technology
- INSEEC, December 2017, Lyon: Tokenized societies
- Société Générale, December 2017, Lyon: Introduction to decentralization
- Blockshow Asia, November 2017, Singapore: AI & blockchain
- Entreprise Ethereum Alliance, October 2017, Amsterdam: Blockchain for entreprise