Tourists and mums for the sake of disables

A couple of years ago, I was working in expert groups about urban standards. I tried to give some valuable inputs about how our cities should be designed in order to increase the autonomy of the disabled. When using a wheelchair, going outside to buy a sandwich or taking the subway to go to the…

Expectancies about robots

The more we know someone, the higher are our expectations We want them to deeply understand our habits and our wishes. We would like them to react and be a little bit more like us. The same applies to robots: the more they will look like human beings, the higher will be our expectancies. This…

How much is 1?

In math, the difference is 1 in both cases. But in life, the difference is infinite. The difference between thinking of doing something (but ending up not doing it) and doing it is infinite in the sense that it creates a momentum. The most difficult part is to initiate the momentum. When you are at…

The main VR issue… today

VR is an amazing tool to be immerge in virtual experiences. The problem is that our brain is connected to our body which one will still provide real feedbacks. When our brain receives info from our eyes that differs from the one received from our body, we get sick. It is mostly an inner ear…

It’s not opinions that shape the world

It’s not opinions that shape the world, it’s actions. A long time ago, I had a revelation while listening to a national radio station. The host, called Maurice, was kind of a controversial animator. He was a little too angry for my taste, but I liked the fact that he was direct and very frank….

Différence entre vérité et avis

The explanation of Tao is not Tao – Lao Tzeu La vérité est universelle et intemporelle. L’avis est un regard via un prisme personnel et intérieur. Il s’agit donc de l’interprétation intellectuelle d’un ou plusieurs individus et nous sommes ok avec cela. Le dangers vient lorsque que l’avis est exprimé comme la vérité. La vérité…